Hi, I'm Rajesh, a professional photographer from Jaipur, specializing in capturing timeless moments. With a passion for storytelling, I bring creativity and precision to weddings, portraits, and commercial photography

  • Over 5 years of experience

  • 200+ successfully executed projects

  • Exceptional work quality

Rajesh Kumawat
Founder of Photography

My only mission: Capture captivating moments

Capture Captivating Moments" is a mission centered around the idea of preserving and highlighting the most beautiful, meaningful, or impactful moments in life through photography or other forms of media. The phrase emphasizes the art of noticing and immortalizing fleeting, yet significant instances—whether they be emotional, joyful, serene, or raw.

Why I started as a photographer

Starting as a photographer often comes from a deep passion for capturing moments, emotions, or the beauty of the world through a lens. Many people begin their photography journey because they have a natural curiosity about how the world works, how light and shadow play together, or how people express themselves. Photography can offer an outlet for creativity, allowing individuals to tell stories, preserve memories, and communicate without words.

Ultimately, becoming a photographer is about more than just taking pictures. It’s about capturing and preserving experiences, perspectives, and stories that would otherwise fade with time.

Professional Team

Om Prakash

I'm a professional product photographer in jaipur

Om Prakash